MFA Lighting Design Thesis
Light Me Up: Color Perception and Fidelity Preferences of Skin Complexion.
Not all white light is created equal. My research looks at tints of light in interior environments where fidelity is important; like bathrooms, cosmetic retail, and, video conferencing spaces. Looking at light metrics proves to be valuable for achieving light settings where most people feel more comfortable and beautiful in. Using light as a filter to create your personal and most favored settings can be a great way to feel more confident.

Site Research: Makeup Retail Counters in New York City

Trends in Illuminated Mirrors

Reflectivity data from Face and Cheek Skin Complexion

Sample experiment of skin swatches under various light settings

Experiment Design

Skin Reflectivity data of model with three makeup foundation colors

preferences of varying hue

preferences of various amounts of red light

preferences of color temperature

sample design application, mobile control via app

controls integrate across platforms to save your preferences.
More about this project…
This project was awarded the Parsons School of Design MFA Lighting Thesis Prize for Design Application 2020.
View the full text and presentation on the Parsons 2020 Exhibition website